Concrete Corrosion Protection & Monitoring Systems
CRD Group blends its Structural Engineering expertise with its Structural Health Monitoring and Corrosion Engineering to provide new compound services and products. Our company participates in the endeavour to produce a combined Structural – Corrosion monitoring service. We offer the option of manufacturing custom layouts that can adjust to every case of structural health – corrosion protection and monitoring. Our associates will always be by your side to support and redesign our sensor layouts and cathodic protection systems.
CRD Group provides the folowing services on Concrete Corrosion Protection:
- Review of Design and Drawings
- Inspection: Inspection usually is necessary to be carried out in order to ascertain the type, causes, and extent of defects. The surrounding environment and especially the differential potential at the piers should be established.
- Chloride content: This is a paramount check to be done at the initial stages of the inspection.
- Galvanic corrosion and half cell potential: CRD group performs the galvanostatic method at selected locations to estimate the potential for corrosion , but also the actual corrosion rate and the remaining life of the reinforcement. Mapping of the electrochemical corrosion potential usually takes place.
- Reinforcement continuity: Electrical resistance measurements must be performed in order to establish continuity of reinforcement. Solutions should be given for discontinuous reinforcement parts.
- Stray current detection (AC or DC)
- Calculation the number of sacrificial anodes to be used
- Installation, measurement and monitor the sacrificial anodes.
- Compound Structural Health and Corrosion monitoring systems can be customised to project needs on demand.